What do organizations need to think about if they are going to offer assistance during the holidays?
According to Caroline Wenck, Executive Director of SCAN 360, you may want to begin by really thinking about the people you serve and the simple gifts that would make a difference in their lives.
Thoughtful giving
“The Springfield community is very generous, so when all the gifts come in, every inch of these tables is covered,” Caroline stated with a smile.
“But rather than inundating people with gifts, we take a day, invite all the staff and decide which families would benefit the most from each gift. We make it personal so that every donation will mean something. ”
She went on to explain that they only give a few gifts to each person and keep the rest to be distributed during the year.
That just makes sense. As Angela stated last week, you don’t need a lot during the holidays, you just want to know that someone cares.
Giving beyond the holidays
“Another thing we learned during the holidays is that people in the community are willing to give during the year, but you have to ask them.”
When students from Bay Path College made holiday donations to SCAN 360 last year, Caroline accepted their generosity but asked if they would be interested in forming a relationship beyond the holidays. She went on to explain how many families could benefit from food, clothing and even birthday gifts for children during the year.
The students responded by placing a collection bin on every floor of their dormitory where they donate year round.
“It can be more work for the program to take donations throughout the year, but we find it makes a big difference,” Caroline shared.
When you think about it, the lesson learned from SCAN 360 is people want to know that someone cares, not just during the holidays, but throughout the year…and that is the best gift of all.
More than material gifts, which I’m sure is welcome when needed, the gift of your time may be much more valuable. Developing realtionships with individuals with disabilities and their families on a personal level will far out way any donation. Reaching out and including those who may be struggling for companionship or those who may not have any family. Developing a sense of
community for those who feel “different” or isolated will not only benefit each individual, it will benefit those who take the time to get to know them. You can never have too many friends.