Jane’s story this month illustrated just one experience with MS; the unpredictability of the disease causes everyone with MS to experience it in a different way. But many people also struggle with similar challenges. MS attacks the central nervous system of the individual diagnosed, but its impact has a ripple effect on their family, career, life plan, and the community.
This week we share the comprehensive resources available to all people with MS, their families, friends, and providers.
To learn about multiple sclerosis:
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society website has extensive information on MS.
You can also call our Information Resource Center at 800-344-4867.
To learn about local programs:
The Greater New England Chapter serves 19,000 individuals and families affected by multiple sclerosis in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
If you or a loved one is Newly Diagnosed:
You can receive information through our Knowledge is Power Program, a free, at-home educational series written by Dr. Rosalind Kalb, a highly regarded author and psychologist. Receive new topics each week in the convenience of your home.
Knowledge is Power
If you would like to speak to a peer with MS:
The Peer Support Program offers information, emotional support and encouragement via the telephone to individuals living with MS and their families. The program matches trained volunteers with individuals looking for support with their own MS experiences.
Peer Support Program
If you would like to learn about the Greater New England Chapter’s Financial Assistance Program:
We recognize that MS is a costly disease and encourage all individuals who need help to apply. Any person diagnosed with MS, living in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire or Vermont is eligible. The Chapter can provided limited funding in select categories.
Financial Assistance Program
If you feel you need more comprehensive support:
Home LINKS is the Greater New England Chapter’s short-term care management program. The goal of Home LINKS is to promote enhanced quality of life and independence for people living with MS. This program helps by providing information and referral, hands-on assistance, and financial assistance.
If you are a professional who works with people with MS:
The National MS Society’s Professional Resource Center is the most comprehensive library of MS information in the world, offering information, publications, clinical consultations, and literature search services.
Professional Resource Center