stack of books with headphones around them

Audio Books can be obtained through talking book libraries, book stores, public libraries, and the internet.  Here are some great resources available to help those with disabilities enjoy the pleasure of hearing a book.

Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library
provides FREE services to Massachusetts residents of any age who are unable to read traditional print materials due to a visual or physical disability. Services include free audio, braille and large print books, magazines, special equipment required to play recorded special materials and free delivery and return by mail.
Located at 175 North Beacon Street in Watertown, MA
Phone: (617) 972-7240 or 800-852-3133

Worcester Talking Book Library
is the sub regional talking book library located at the Worcester Public library.
Phone: (508) 799-1730 or 800-762-0085

Learning Ally
is the largest source of educational books and textbooks on tape in the
world. Individuals pay a $99 annual fee to borrow unlimited audio books.
Located at 2067 Mass Ave, 3rd floor in Cambridge, MA.
Phone: 617-500-2724

Choice Magazine Listening
selects and records memorable writing from approximately 100 leading magazines. It is a free service available for blind, visually impaired or physically handicapped subscribers on new digital Talking Book Cartridges playable from the Library of Congress.

The Talking Information Center
is a non-profit reading service that broadcasts newspapers, magazines, books, and special consumer information to visually-impaired listeners.
Phone: 800-696-9505

Digital audio books can be downloaded directly to your computer, usually
in a format like an MP3. After you download them, they can be transferred to the listening device of your choice. Some popular listening devices like iPod and iPhones support downloading audio books directly from the internet.


Audio BookVendors
Compares most common downloadable book formats on the web
Barnes & Noble
Similar to Netflix, you can rent unlimited audio books for your smartphone, tablet or laptop for $29.95 a month.

18 Best sites to Download Free Audio Books

For additional resources check out our Alternative Reading Formats Fact Sheet which outlines various types of alternative reading formats.

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