Category: Crisis Prevention

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources

Suicide awareness and prevention are important. Suicidal thinking is serious. It does not always mean a person will take their own life. Suicidal thinking can be a symptom of a deeper unresolved issue. Having a plan for suicide is much more serious than just thinking or talking about it.

Here are some warning signs (from Mass General Hospital):

  • Talking about wanting to die or killing themselves
  • Feeling hopeless, trapped, or having no reason to live
  • Feeling like a burden to others
  • Looking for ways to end their lives, such as searching online or buying weapons
  • Withdrawing from loved ones or feeling isolated
  • Increasing use of drugs or alcohol
  • Displaying extreme mood swings
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Acting reckless, agitated, or anxious
  • Feeling hopeless or in despair followed by sudden relief or improvement. This can be a sign that a person has made a suicide plan and feels relieved that they will no longer be in pain if they end their life.


Please check out our new fact sheet for suicide awareness and prevention resources and ways to help.

Fact sheet

MA Financial Resources for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many disruptions in daily life and financial setbacks for people throughout the state. Here are updated Massachusetts  resources for you to get public health updates, protect your identity, and learn about employment rights and unemployment benefits.

Areas include:

  • Consumer Financial Protection
  • My Financial Life
  • Financial Education
  • Guidance on COVID-19 Resources and Consumer Scams
  • Unemployment and COVID-19
  • Employee Rights and Employer Obligations

MA Financial Resources for COVID-19

Bullying, Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment

INDEX has updated our Bullying, Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment fact sheet with new resources related to diverse populations.  We hope that you will find these resources helpful in school, work and personal life.  Stopping and preventing Bullying and Harassment are important in the US today.

Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It can be actions like name calling, hitting, kicking or spitting, telling lies and spreading rumors, taking things that belong to someone else, or forcing others to do things they do not want to do  The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Children and adults with disabilities are 3 times more often to be involved with bullying or harassment than non-disabled peers.

Bullying, Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment  



Tips On Helping Someone In An Emotional Crisis

I have taught a few different programs that teach people how to handle crisis situations.  I have also been the supervisor on duty when serious incidents have occurred while working at a children’s home in NH.   These experiences have proved to be valuable.

·       Step one starts before the crisis.  Think of what you like to do when you are happy.  If you do these activities when you are upset, it may help you feel better.

  • Examples:
    • Taking a walk
    • Taking space in another room
    • Using an iPad or other smart device
    • Knitting
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Listening to music
    • And so many more

·       Get away from what is upsetting you if you can.

·       Use your coping activities to help ground yourself.

·       Do a self-check.  Are your basic needs met?

·       Check in with a friend.


References And Resources:


