It’s November 3rd, elections are over and you voted. You should feel proud, but have you thought about how you plan to stay active as a civic member of your community?

At this point, you may be thinking that your vote was enough. After all, elections are a lesson in patience and we are all thrilled to see the end of automated phone calls during dinner and negative ads when we were just trying to watch Glee.

But if you really want to be part of your community, you have to do more than just vote. Being an active citizen means paying constant attention to issues that affect all of us. This includes issues for people with disabilities, but it also includes issues that affect the broader community you live in.

Choosing issues that matter to you

There are basically two types of issues you may want to be aware of in your town and state.

First, there are issues specifically affecting the disability community. A reduction in state taxes for example will cut services, which is an important issue that requires your attention.

At the same time, you want to remember that you are also a member of a broader community with additional issues.
Planning on getting older? A proposed senior center may be something you hope to use someday.
Do you have a dog? You may be concerned about having more dog parks.
Can’t afford housing in the town you want to live in? Groups committed to affordable housing may be something to join.

Committed members of your community

This month, we will hear from John Anton an active civic member of his community. John understands the need to pay attention to issues affecting the disability community and the broader community because he is committed to both.

We will also hear from Andrea Kelly about the League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization committed to educating people on important community issues that matter well beyond the elections. In addition, Andrea shares her thoughts about a number of ways you can get involved in your community.

lone goldfish jumping into tank with other goldfishIt’s November 3rd and you should be proud if you voted. But let’s take some time this month to also think about how you can be an active member of your community in the year ahead. .. and more importantly, why you may want to.

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