picture of the feet and cane of a person going down stairs

As we discussed in last week’s blog, once a person is diagnosed with a vision loss there are resources available to help people adjust. In fact, all eye care providers are required to report patients diagnosed with legal blindness so they can access resources.

In Massachusetts, there are about 35,000 residents who are legally blind and registered with the Commission for the Blind, the statewide resource for coordinating vision professional services.

Once a person is registered with the Commission, a case manager will meet with the individual and assist them in accessing services of their choice.

These may include:

Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist (COMS)
Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT)
Certified Low Vision Therapist (CLVT)
Assistive Technology Specialist
Deaf/Blind Specialist
Rehabilitation Teacher
Vocational Counselor
Case manager
Children’s Rehabilitation Case manager

For additional information, contact the Commission for the Blind at
(617) 727-5550.

Additional Resources

Blindness & Vision Impairment Resources from (Mass. Dept. of Developmental Services)
This site provides resources for individuals with vision impairment, legal blindness or deaf/blindness and intellectual disability.
Resources include:

Daily Living with Vision Loss
Leisure, Communication, and Recreation Resources
Local  & National Organizations Dedicated to Vision Loss
Product Catalogs of Aids & Appliances for Vision Loss
Eye Safety, Vision Care & Finding an Eye Care Provider

Professional Organizations / Vision Education / Certification

Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
is the professional organization of the blindness/vision loss field.

Northeast Chapter of the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (NE/AER)

Northeast Regional Center for Vision Education
UMass Boston has certification and master programs for Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS) and Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT), as well as Teachers of the Visually Impaired.