Discipline is part of growing up. But many kids with disabilities are disciplined in the wrong Children's colorful alphabet blocksway. This can hurt a child in the long run.

Kids that go against teachers or struggle with classmates are called naughty. This is worse for kids of color with disabilities. One in 4 black boys and 1 in 5 black girls are sent home from school. This is much more often than white kids.

When schools are lax with Individual Education Plans (IEP), disciplining kids with disabilities turns out to be harder.

Next steps:

  • Know your rights! Parents should know how kids’ IEP’s will be used.
  • Teachers must be taught. When teachers are not aware of kids’ needs, everyone is at a loss.
  • Schools should be graded on how well they follow IEPs

All kids should get a fair chance. Kids with disabilities should get to thrive. Raising them with respect is key.


Lewis, K. R. (2015, July 24). Why do schools over-discipline children with disabilities? The Atlantic. Retrieved from The Atlantic

My Child with a Disability Keeps Getting Suspended or Recommended for Expulsion. (2014, November). Retrieved from Disability Rights California Nov 2014, Pub. #5563-01

What you need to know about IDEA 2004: Suspending children from school. (2012, March 22). Retrieved October 28, 2016, from Wrights Law, October 28, 2016, from Wrights Law