
The cost of places to live has been going up. A lot of people have a hard time finding a place to live. People with a disability have a harder time in finding a place to live because the apartment has a long waiting lists and it takes a lot of years to get to the top of the list.

  1. Sit with the person and make a list of places they want to live in.
  2. Go online to any state housing website and look through their list of apartments
  3. Look for the department that has all the states apartments for an application. Print an application and mail it.
  4. Call the main office and ask them if they have an open apartment. If there is one, ask for an application to be sent to you.
  5. If you have a case worker, talk to your case worker to see if they know about any place that you could live in.
  6. Keep calling places and ask if someone moved out.
  7. Put your name on email lists.
  8. You can look for an apartment by writing where you want to live and how many bedrooms you want. They also have apartments that you can pay for your rent depending on how much money you make.
  9. Check: www.massaccesshousingregistry.org

This website has a list of places to live that have low-priced rent and a person with disability can live in: www.masshousing.com