Place to Vote with accessible signThis week I am pleased to introduce Rick Camara from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Northeast Region. Rick has been instrumental in forming a collaboration with Mass Advocates Standing Strong (MASS) and the Northeast Arc to present a Voting Forum,“Your Vote Counts” on August 9, 2012.

This week Rick shares his thoughts about voting and how efforts such as the forum will assist people with disabilities in the process.

The importance of every vote

The right to vote has always been important to me. Decisions that our country makes are decided by those of us who vote. Being a citizen in America gives me the basic right to vote and effect change. Voting gives me the right to state my opinion on an issue or support a candidate that I am passionate about.

Voting is also a way to tell elected officials what matters to you and to elect candidates that will support what you believe is important.

By voting, you can make your voice be heard.

More than 35 million Americans with disabilities are eligible to vote, but not all do. Just think; if everyone voted you could make a big change on who is elected and on policies that are important to people with disabilities. Voting is a very powerful human right. illustrating to all that you count and are valued.

Learning about the voting process

Voting Booth
At the Forum on August 9, 2012 you will hear from self advocates, legislators, and other citizens about the importance of voting. You will hear the How, When, Where, and Why of Voting, and we will even show you how simple it is to vote. You will hear from local legislators about how they are elected to represent you and how to get their support on issues that you value and are passionate about.

You will also meet two gentlemen, one a self advocate and the other a very concerned citizen, who will talk about how they received political support on something that was very important to them. They will share some of the details on how they were successful and how you could do the same.

Most importantly, at this Voting Forum you will have the opportunity to register to vote if you do not vote presently, as we will have a representative present from The League of Woman Voters to assist you in registering to vote.

For more information on the Forum contact Rick Camara at 781 641-7310.

And don’t forget, your opinion is important and every vote counts.

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