couple staring away from shoulder up

Here are some helpful sexuality / relationship resources for people with disabilities, professionals, educators, and parents.

 Helpful Links

Healthy Relationships, Sexuality and Disability Resource Guide 2011 
Be sure to bookmark this new resource link listed on the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s website.  Here you will find a treasure trove of information that includes curricula, trainings, websites, help-lines, support groups, books and CD/DVDs appropriate for both youth and adults with a wide range of disabilities.

NICHCY – Sexuality Education for Students with Disabilities
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities’ site  includes various resources for parents and educators. Scroll down page to find materials with specific disabilities in mind.

Sexuality & Disability:A Guide for Parents
This guide is provided by Alberta Health Services for parents of child, teen and adults.

Relationship Groups for Men & Women with Developmental Disabilities

The following agencies in Massachusetts offer group sessions on relationship and sexuality topics for men and women with developmental and intellectual disabilities. 

  • Options and Possibilities in Reading
    Contact Paula Thompson LICSW at 781-454-7824 or
  • Lifelinks in Chelmsford
    Oct. 5, 2011, Parent Training, 6pm – 8 pm
    Oct. 15, 2011, Seminar for individuals with disabilities, 9am – 2pm
    Contact Rachel Ward-Sullivan at 978-349-3040 or

Trainings / Learning & Development for DDS Support Staff 

Human Sexuality, Relationship and Social Skills training of Trainer Series
Pat Carney provides this annual eight week session to DDS agency and provider staff.  This is also available to a limited number of other related professionals.
Contact with questions.
To register call 413-284-5082 or email

Sexuality Educators
The following professional teams offer sexuality training  for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities in agencies, school systems and on an individual basis.    

  • Diane E. Westerman
    401-499-5231 or
    Ken Renaud
    IN2UHealthy Relationships
    401-785-2100 or
    Will travel to any part of Mass/RI/eastern CT 
  • Rebecca H. Barry
    508-505-6188 or
    Mary Ellen Goodwin
    508-446-5112 or
    Will travel anywhere in Mass/RI