The following 6 website links will keep you educated on bills, community issues and state government throughout the year.
1. Where To Vote & to Locate Your Legislators will identify your elected officials and voting location.
2. Massachusetts Legislative Bills & Laws offers information on existing bills and laws in Massachusetts.
3. Massachusetts on Ballotpedia provides nonpartisan information on Massachusetts ballot news.
4. provides information on public policy issues of the day and tips on effective advocacy. Sign up to get their weekly newsletter and an email of your representative’s vote on recent bills.
5. lets you know what’s happening in Congress by providing official government data and news coverage.
6. League of Women Voters/Mass is a well respected citizens’ organization that encourages community involvement and hosts political forums in various communities.
For Disability Issues, these links are all helpful.
1. Take advantage of what Arc has to offer to stay informed.
Sign up on their listserv and the Action E-List on Massachusetts Arc Legislative Action Center to be notified when you can make a critical difference on important state issues.
2. Impacted by Recent Cuts to Disability Services? Know Your Rights is a handy resourceful guide provided by Arc MASS
3. Mass Families Organizing for Change sponsors conferences, workshops and forums to educate individuals and community members about advocacy, services and local, state and federal resources.
4. Disability Policy Consortium members have access to advocacy training, lobbying leadership, legislative email alert service, and information on issues of importance. Check out their weekly updates on website.
Be sure to share your favorites with us.
Very useful nformation for all. Thanks.