Teacher with Adult LearnersThere are many trainings for people with disabilities both in state and around the country. The following include those recommended through discussions with self advocacy groups around the state.

Trainings in Massachusetts

Self Advocacy Leadership Series / Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council
Contact Sandy Houghton at 617-770-7676

Offers a ten week self-advocacy leadership program that provides education, training and support to people with developmental disabilities.

Assistive Technology Workshops / Easter Seals
Contact Jeff McAuslin at 774-641-6340,

Easter Seals assistive technology staff share their expertise through informative workshops, course offerings, iPad and product spotlights.

Healthy Sexuality / Relationship Training / DDS Central/West Region
Contact Pat Carney at 413-5083,

Offers sexuality training for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities in agencies, school systems and on an individual basis.

Mass Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
To schedule a training session contact: 617-624-7549, mass.office.info@gmail.com

Offerings include “How to start a self advocacy group”; “Awareness and Action”, an abuse awareness and action program; and “Explore, Prepare, Act”, an employment training.

Training Resources in other states include curriculum, higher education, webinars and conferences.

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered, SABE
P.O. Box 30142
Kansas City, MO 64112

SABE is the self advocacy organization for the United States and their website includes resources for conferences, webinars and publications.

UNH Institute on Disability 
10 West Edge Drive
Suite 101
Durham, NH 03824
phone: 603-862-4320

This comprehensive website offers extensive resources, curriculum, workshops and webinars.

The Pennsylvania Training Partnership for People with Disabilities and their Families
1755 N 13th Street
Student Center
Room 411S
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Contact Carol Csaniz at 1-866-865-6170 or TTY: 1-215-204-1356

The Partnership provides state-wide training, technical assistance, mentoring and leadership development by and for people with disabilities.