circle of people huddled closely together like a team working togetherWhat is it?

Person-centered planning is a tool that can help you move forward with your dreams. It is about what you want to be doing in your life.  It is also about what is most important to you.  Imagine a meeting in which everyone is talking about what you are good at doing.  Wouldn’t that be fun!

How is it done?

There are many ways to do person-centered planning. The first part is identifying what your goals are for the future. For example, you may want to live on your own, get married, and have a job you enjoy. Another important part is inviting people in your life to be part of the planning. You may want to invite friends or family members; such as parents, cousins, grandparents etc. You also might invite neighbors or people from groups you are part of, such as church or other clubs. This is like having your own team. The people on your team will support you.  For example, your neighbor may be in the type of work you want to do.  This neighbor may help you meet people at their workplace.
Here are some commonly used tools to carry out person-centered planning:

  • MAPS
  • PATH
  • Whole Life Planning
  • Personal Futures Planning.

Why is it important?

It is important because all planning about your life should be led by you! You know best what you want to be doing.  It helps to have a team of people who care about you.  It is a great tool that has helped many people identify what they want to be doing and how to do it.
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